Meet our Water experts!

My name is Trishka Nurkoo, I have been working as an engineer in dams and hydraulic infrastructures at Tractebel in France since October 1st. After obtaining my high school diploma in sciences, I discovered mechanics at university and really enjoyed it, so I kept going in that field. I got my engineering degree specializing in mechanics and continued with a master’s degree in solid mechanics. I did my bachelor’s and master’s degrees at Sorbonne University.


Can you briefly explain your role as an expert in dams and hydraulic infrastructures?

As an engineer in dams and hydraulic infrastructures, I work on projects to produce electricity with a renewable energy: Water. We design hydraulic infrastructures and dams to meet customers’ needs.

What are the most valuable skills for an engineer in dams and hydraulic infrastructures?

I think the most valuable skills in this line of work are critical thinking, a sense of teamwork, being pragmatic, and being able to question yourself.

As a young graduate, what attracted you to Tractebel as a place to begin your career?

I did my internship at Tractebel and it was a good experience where I learnt many things about dams and hydraulic infrastructures. I have always been interested in renewable energy, therefore Tractebel caught my attention and the subject of the internship corresponded to my formation. It was a good opportunity to put into practice what I had learnt. This experience allowed me to confirm my desire to work in this field. I still learn and develop my skills with experienced engineers on big projects to be a complete engineer in dams and hydraulic infrastructures.

Why did you choose the field of hydraulics, what interested you from the role within the Tractebel water business line in France?

The opportunity to work as an intern on renewable energy played to a long-standing interest of mine. At the end of my internship I decided to keep going in this field because I really enjoyed working in it with Tractebel. I get to work on many different projects and participate in the evolution of the project from start to finish. Working on projects to produce electricity with water is satisfying because it helps to preserve the planet for the future.

How would you like to see your career evolve?

In the long term I would like to be a project manager. But right now, I would like to develop my skills as an engineer in dams and hydraulic infrastructures and gain experience with other experienced engineers to be a complete engineer in this field. For me a perfect workday combines participating in and advancing the project, succeeding in the tasks I am given, and learning and developing my skills.

As a female engineer, how would you encourage other young graduates to pursue a career in engineering?

If it is in an engineering field that you want to work and evolve, it is necessary to keep going regardless of the difficulties or failures you may encounter. Try to exchange as much as possible with people who work in the engineering field to learn more from their experiences. This will lead you towards being a great engineer.